Machon Stam is a highly reputable online and in-house source of authentic and impeccably written STa”MSifrei TorahTefillin, and Mezuzos— located in Crown Heights, New York. We carry exceptionally written products and are known for our high standards in selecting certified, G-d fearing sofrim to produce quality STa”M for us.

Our growing success is a result of our customers’ confidence in our products and in our unwavering commitment to quality, materials of the highest caliber, and our meticulous attention to detail. Our passion for high standards is reflected in all our products (sifrei Torah, tefillin and mezuzos) and accessories (the yad, silver crowns, mantle and etz chayim for the sefer Torah and other complementary Judaica).

The Sofer

The most essential element of any written parchment is the sofer. In addition to his individual integrity —being G-d-fearing and conscientious — it is imperative that the sofer is tested thoroughly and receives ksav kabbalah— certification from a reliable Rabbinic authority, ensuring that he knows the many detailed and complex laws of STa”M. This is of utmost importance because a sofer who is not completely fluent in the halochos of safrus could innocently and unknowingly invalidate a mezuzah or tefillin without anyone’s, even his, knowledge. When purchasing an item from a sofer with a reliable Rabbinic certification, the consumer can rest assured that his or her STa”M conforms strictly to all the laws and details of Shulchan Aruchand all the customs of the different ksavim.

The Ksav

Of equal significance to the sofer’s integrity is the quality of his writing. There are many halachos pertaining to the writing of STa”M — as explained at length in Shulchan Aruch (The Code of Jewish Law) siman 36 — and it is essential that the sofer be skillful and accurate in his writing of the letters from a halachic standpoint. Aesthetically, a “beautiful ksav” is a hiddur mitzvah that is cherished by many.

As stated on our Welcome Page, our number one priority is examining the reputations and qualifications of prospective sofrim to find those who, in addition to being honest and G-d-fearing, have received ksav kabbalah — certification from noted Rabbonim — and have handwriting of superior quality. This ensures the highest level of kashrus of every mezuzah, pair of tefillin and sefer Torah sold through Machon Stam.

After each mezuzah and tefillin scroll is computer checked, it is then carefully hand-examined to ensure that all the tagim (crowns on the letters) are intact and proper. It is of utmost importance to us that we do not compromise on our standards. As an example of this, according to halachah, the letter lamed is written with two tagimKabbalah explains that the tag on the right side corresponds to kindness, and the one on the left, to severity. Consequently, it is of utmost importance that the right tag be taller than the left one, ultimately drawing down kindness from Above over the individual. Our customers appreciate the fact that even on our least expensive STa”M, we don’t compromise on the tagei lamed.

Whether you are looking for ksav AriZal, Alter Rebbe, Beis Yosef, or Sefard, Machon Stam insures that the quality of your STa”M will be of the highest quality, from the least to the most expensive items in each category.